Whether you're currently facing a problem, or just want more from life, you'll find you've come to the right place. Focused Consultation, Not Endless Therapy Dr. Sussman's professional services emphasize consultation, not endless psychotherapy. Some of Dr. Sussman's clients consult with him just once or twice, to get some feedback and ideas on how to approach a particular problem. Others choose to meet regularly, for added guidance and support throughout a difficult part of their lives. After the initial problem is resolved, most clients continue to call as needed, whenever problems, concerns, or opportunities arise. It can be really comforting to know that Dr. Sussman can be here for you personally when you want some guidance or support. Dr. Sussman is here to help. Life has always been difficult, but in recent years our lives have become much more complicated. Dr. Sussman has dedicated his career to helping people overcome life's toughest problems and achieve all they want to achieve. No matter what you are dealing with right now, no matter what you would like to achieve, the odds are pretty good that Dr. Sussman has helped many people with similar situations before. He offers real help with a wide variety of life's concerns, including: Marriage and Family Problems
 Divorce Stress & Anxiety Relationships and Concerns of Singles Career Satisfaction and Change Strategy Unique Problems of the Family Business Alcohol and Other Addictions Adult ADD / ADHD / Aspergers Mentoring to Create the Life You Want